Divorcing a Narcissist: The Apple Pie

Someone said recently, "You can't make this stuff up!" and he was right.  You can't.Yesterday was the x's visitation and I picked the girls up at 5pm only to hear the words, "Mom!  We made you an apple pie!".  As we drove, my oldest daughter went on to explain the story- her dad wanted to drive 45 minutes south to a local barn to buy apples and bake a pie with them.  As much as I would love to believe that he has taken up baking with his daughters, I know him and I also know that there is a pending court date on the horizon.  He needed additional photos to submit to the court and there are no better photos than those of an apple pie baking.The sad part is that I am not a skeptic.  I truly believe the best about people and situations in general until I'm proven wrong and then I still try to give the benefit of the doubt.  That is my nature.  It takes a lot for me to get to the place that I am with my x.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me hundreds of times, shame on me.About an hour and a half after I picked up the girls, the crazy text messages from him began.  He included me on one text that he sent to someone and this is what it said:From the x: We made an apple pie.  Their first pie ever!!!  Bought some fresh apples at (ABC) Barn. I am better at BBQ than baking but now that its baked it looks pretty yummy!!!  They want to give it to their Mom. So sweet of them.It gave me the creeps because he only speaks like that when he is in his super manic and incredibly bizarre state of mind.  Hours later my daughter said to me, "Mom, isn't it strange that dad wanted to make you a pie?".  I was careful with my response and said, "It was very unexpected and I appreciate how hard that you worked to make it!"  Even my daughters know him well enough that they found this to be bizarre and abnormal behavior.He then sent another text message to me at 11:24pm that said, "Thought only (so-and-so) got that message.  Go to sleep Tina.  Let it go.  Let me go please Tina".Creepy :("Like" One Mom's Battle on Facebook or Follow me on Twitter @onemomsbattle.comGoing through a custody battle or divorce with a "high conflict" person?  Purchase “Tina’s Tips” for advice and insight to help with your battle and your peace of mind.[wp_ad_camp_1]  


Divorcing a Narcissist: The Family Court Standard


Divorcing a Narcissist: Another Email for the Narc Decoder