Reunification Camp: Transporter’s Testimony

I received a ‘cease and desist’ from the transport company, Assisted Interventions, Inc. Apparently, the “transport agents” involved in the Santa Cruz case want me to #StopTellingTheTruth. I promise to stop speaking out when people in the family court system stop doing things that warrant a spotlight.

Maybe they aren't aware of my first amendment rights, or the Anti-SLAPP law that protects me as a journalist and a blogger. I personally feel their time would be better spent ensuring that their employees are adhering to the procedures they testified to in a court of law.

The video of these individuals violently removing two children (Maya and Sebastian Laing) from Santa Cruz, County as a result court orders from Judge Rebecca Connolly have gone viral - it is estimated that the videos have received over 20 million views. These videos have been circulated widely, I am just one outlet doing this.

Hours prior to the video being filmed, a staff member from Assisted Interventions, Inc. testified about the companies policies and procedures as it relates to children who are resistant. Nowhere in the testimony did I hear this employee mention that there was a possibility that a child's face would be slammed into a car door or, that a child’s clothes would be removed during the “intervention” process.

Had any other adult assaulted a child in this way, they would be behind bars on charges a felony child abuse.

I invite you to read the testimony of a staff member from Assisted Interventions, Inc. on October 20, 2022:


Dr. Shawn McCall


Reunification Camps and the Alienation Industry