One Mom's Battle - It Takes a Village

Have you ever walked through a fog that was so thick that you had no choice but to lean on your faith to guide you? I recently went through some trials that knocked the wind out of me -- namely, the reorganization of One Mom's Battle. A series of events took place that rocked my world - I had no choice but to buckle my seatbelt, hope for the best and lean on my faith. As the dust began to settle, I looked around and realized that everything had happened exactly as it was suppose to BUT...boy was it a rocky road to get there. Had it not been for my faith, the road from point A to point B would have been too much for me to handle. I had to let go of the steering wheel and trust that my final destination would be the one that God had chosen.When I started my little blog in 2011, I had no idea that anyone would read it. It was a leap of faith and I never intended to be public with my journey. Turns out, over 1.5 million people (!!!) have read it since it's inception. To think that I once felt alone in this battle! One Mom's Battle started as a blog but morphed into a grassroots movement that has surpassed anything I could have ever imagined. Recently, things took a turn and we voted to dissolve our 501(c)3 status and with that, I took the reigns once again after a one-year (plus) hiatus. I am OMB and so are you. It is my story but it is also your story. This is our village and I am happy to be back on this journey with all of you.Despite the ups and downs of my OMB journey, I continue to lean on my faith and seek "signs" to let me know that I am on the right path. In recent weeks, the signs have been overwhelming. One "sign" in particular reduced me to tears. I was sitting at my desk eating lunch on Monday afternoon and an email came through from a mom in New Orleans. This mother had reached her limit with the family court system and was asking my permission to put up a BILLBOARD IN NEW ORLEANS! Now, I have received a lot of emails over the years from frustrated parents but this was a new one. By Wednesday morning, the billboard was up! I am still in shock and overwhelmed with gratitude. The response has been overwhelming with many people in talks about purchasing billboards in their own cities.I am so honored to be a part of this village. It takes a village and WE WILL make changes in this broken system. Whether it's a billboard or a postcard. If we reach ONE judge who is simply uneducated, we've saved lives. If one therapist sees my blog and presses harder to understand this disorder, we've saved lives. If one evaluator educates himself on the effects of a Cluster B disordered parent, we've saved lives. If one Judge drives past that billboard (or hears about it) and educates himself on Cluster B disorders, we've saved lives. This battle can feel daunting and it can be very dark but please remember that you never know what is around the next corner. Lean into your faith and sometimes, be willing to let go of the wheel.###One Mom's Battle: Our mission at One Mom’s Battle is to increase awareness of Cluster B personality disorders (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder) and their impact upon shared parenting and the Family Court System which includes Judges, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys. Education on Cluster B disorders will allow these professionals to truly act in the best interest of the children.History of One Mom's Battle: In 2009, One Mom’s Battle began with one mother, (Tina Swithin), navigating the choppy waters of a high-conflict divorce in the Family Court System. Since then, it has turned into a grassroots movement reaching the far corners of the Earth. Tina's battle spanned from 2009 - 2014 during which time she acted as her own attorney. Ultimately, Tina was successful in protecting her daughters and her family has enjoyed complete peace since October 2014 when a Family Court commissioner called her ex-husband a "sociopath" and revoked his parenting time in a final custody order.Tina Swithin: Tina Swithin's books are available online at Amazon (print, Kindle or audio format). Each year, Tina offers life-changing weekends of camaraderie and healing at the Lemonade Power Retreat.  Tina also offers one-on-one coaching services and a private, secure forum called, The Lemonade Club, for those enduring high-conflict custody battles.[wp_ad_camp_1]


The Lemonade Power Retreat: November 3-5, 2017


Does the Battle Ever End?